Volunteer with us

We receive a huge amount of support from volunteers. Without their help, Gympanzees would not be possible!

Our amazing volunteers graciously give up their time and energy to help us, whether that is volunteering at the Pop Up, or at the Lending Library! 

If you would like to find out more information about volunteering, please do feel free to get in touch via email at  info@gympanzees.org

Volunteer at our Lending Library! 

Only two days a month volunteering with the Lending Library  and you can help provide our families with deliveries of specialised play and exercise equipment.

Volunteer at our Pop Ups!

The Pop Ups run during the Easter and Summer holidays and have various opportunities to volunteer.

"You know you are part of something special when a parent explains over a cup of tea in the Pop Up café that, without Gympanzees and its inclusive ethos, they would not be leaving the house this school holiday. " - Ali, Pop Up volunteer
two women in oink tops stood at Gympanzees Pop Up reception

People who volunteer not only feel stronger and mentally and physically healthier. They also report higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

Support Gympanzees to provide disabled children and young adults with more opportunities to access play and exercise.

Why not consider involving friends and family!

Get in touch to talk about volunteering via email info@gympanzees.org

a woman in pink volunteer top smiling

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Keep up to date with everything at Gympanzees as we start building our home.