Service Delivery Committee

Service Delivery Committee - Updated Information Coming Soon!

Esther White - Chair

Esther has disabled children and grandchildren who are service users so has lived experience of disabilities. Esther is also one of our trustees.

Kelly Cotter

Kelly is Head of the Global Centre at University of the West of England (UWE). This includes International Student Support and transition, promoting global opportunities, networks and inclusivity at UWE. She is responsible for pre-sessional English language programmes and short courses and manages their Global Employability team. Kelly has also attended the Pop Ups with her family so she gives us a parent insight.

Catherine Williams

Catherine Williams is a Paediatric Occupational Therapist with specialisms in supporting children and young people who have neurological differences, including Cerebral Palsy, ASD, DCD/Dyspraxia and Brain Injury. She is passionate about enabling youngsters to participate in meaningful ways within their family, school or college and in their wider community. Cath is based in Wiltshire and runs her private practice Hands Up OT. Cath has also volunteered at Gympanzees Pop Ups, Therapy Webinars and contributed towards our Online Resources Hub.

Lotte Lane

Lotte has attended the Pop Ups with her family so gives us a parent insight on what is needed in the industry. 

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